
Everest Base Camp Trek-16 Days

Everest Base Camp Trekking leads to beautiful scenery enclosed by world giant peaks. Adventure on the foot of Mt. Everest with close views of massive Khumbu Ice-falls. Scenic walk in Everest Base Camp trek leads you to explore fascinating Sherpa farm villages and world heritage sites.
Trip Summary:
Trip Mode: In Hotels and nice local lodge basis.
Trek Grade: Moderate to Adventurous due to high altitude gain.
Areas of Trek: Nepal North Mid-East within high Khumbu around Everest region.
People and Culture: Dominated by highlanders the Sherpa of Everest attached with ancient culture and traditions of Buddhism religion.
Mode of transport: Taking air journey of 35 minutes scenic flight from Kathmandu to Lukla and back.
Highest Altitude: On Top Kalapathar 5,545 m and at Everest base camp altitude 5,365 m.
Duration of Treks: 11 Nights and 12 Days from Lukla to Lukla.
Total Trip: 15 Nights and 16 Days Kathmandu to Kathmandu.
Best Seasons: Nearly all months of the year except the monsoon. Wet months from mid June to mid September. Everest base camp trek best time is March to May with clear views till afternoon where wild flowers are in bloom with fantastic views of mountains and a pleasant day with cooler morning and night time. October to December another best time for clear views of peaks with short sunlight days can be freezing cold in the morning and night time, depending upon the altitude and overnight stop.
Camp at Everest Base Camp
Everest Base Camp Trekking, always considered as one of the finest and best adventure to set foot beneath Third Pole, as christened by National Geographic to Mt. Everest due to its arctic climatic zone.
Mount Everest with several local names Sagarmatha in Nepalese, and Sherpa calls as Chomolungma of Tibetan origin where both words mean as Great Mother.
In early days before Mt.Everest was named, it was known as Peak XIV. Till the date it is claimed as world highest mountains. And it got the title ‘Everest’, tribute to late George Everest, the founder and chairmen of British East India Company, a survey department stationed in Calcutta / Kolkotta India.
After the conquest by late legendry mountaineers Tenzing and Hillary in May 29th 1953, then it was widely exposed to outside world describing stunning scenic country of Everest region and its local fascinating culture.
At present the Everest Base Camp trek is one of the most popular adventure destination with incredible mountain views in the harmony of pristine environment and its dramatic scenic landscapes including impressive Sherpa culture and lovely colorful villages.
Mount Everest Base Camp trek will be walking around Sagarmatha National Park listed in world heritage sites .Since 1976, an amazing country to experience once in your lifetime with an adventure on high and beautiful Khumbu valley.
Everest Base Camp trek route starts and ends at busy Sherpa town at Lukla after taking a swift short flight to land at the gateway town in Lukla. Where walk takes you into scenic Dudh-Kosi River valley and gorge facing tremendous views of peaks.
As walk progress, enjoy time around lovely Sherpa villages adorned with Buddhist monuments lined with prayer walls and spinning large bells. And then taking the high route to reach at famous Namche Bazaar for acclimatization days.This interesting town village is equipped with many shops and stores and various high point for excellent views.
From Namche, a place where colorful and busy Saturday market takes place once a week with fascinating and pleasant stops, heading higher past beautiful Thyangboche Monastery surrounded by green woodland and mountains.
Finally, walk leads to our main destination at Everest Base Camp elevation 5365 meter, on leaving tree lines and lush green vegetation behind for windswept landscapes. As similar, our next adventure leads to a steep climb on top rocky hill at Kalapathar for breathtaking panorama of high peaks with Mt. Everest at its nearest.
Return journey leads back to Lukla on downhill with short climb for super sweeping flight to reach into hustle and bustle busy city life in Kathmandu, after a glorious most mesmerizing adventure on Mount Everest Base Camp.
Mt. Everest
Outline Itinerary:
Day 01: Reach Kathmandu via various international airline and transfer to hotel.
Day 02: In Kathmandu with optional sightseeing tour and preparation for the trek.
Day 03: Transfer to Kathmandu domestic airport for flight to Lukla 2,820 m and trek to Phakding 2,657m – 04 hrs.
Day 04: Trek to Namche Bazaar 3,440 m – 06 hrs.
Day 05: In Namche for rest to support acclimatization with short hike and excursion.
Day 06: Trek to Thyangboche 3,867 m – 05 hrs.
Day 07: Trek to Dingboche 4,365 m – 05 hrs.
Day 08: Another rest day at Dingboche for acclimatization and local hike.
Day 09: Trek to Lobuche 4,890 m – 05 hrs.
Day 10: Trek to Everest Base Camp height 5,365 m and walk back to Gorakshep 5,180 m – 06 hrs
Day 11: Morning climb on top Kalapathar 5,545 m walk to Pangboche 3,900 m- 06 hrs.
Day 12: Trek to Namche Bazaar – 06 hrs.
Day 13: Trek to Lukla – 06 hrs.
Day 14: Fly back to Kathmandu and transfer to hotel with free afternoon at leisure.
Day 15: Reserve and contingency day in Kathmandu with individual activities.
Day 16: Depart Kathmandu for international departure homeward bound.
Everest Base Camp Trek Itinerary:
Day 01: Reach Kathmandu via various international airline and transfer to hotel.
On arrival received by our staff and guide, transfer to your respective hotels in the hub of Kathmandu. After checking into your lovely rooms getting refreshed from jet-leg, join in with other members of Everest Base Camp Trekking.
Our guide / leader will brief with information about the hotels-including detail of Everest Base Camp trek regarding local lodge, walks, view, history and culture with few important do’s and don’ts while you are with us having enjoyable times.
Evening includes a nice dinner in a pleasant Nepalese restaurant with local cultural programs of all parts of the country to enlighten the environment along with your dinner.
Day 02: In Kathmandu with optional sightseeing tour and preparation for the trek.
A free day to prepare for the upcoming treks to high Khumbu. Morning an optional sightseeing tour at places of great interest, exploring around Kathmandu world heritage sites for few hours and back at hotel.
Afternoon at leisure and free for individual activities and getting ready with packing for next early morning flight to Lukla where our walk begins towards Everest base camp.
Day 03: Transfer to Kathmandu domestic airport for flight to Lukla 2,820 m and trek to Phakdingma 2,657 m – 04 hrs.
Morning at the earliest before or after quick breakfast or one carry pack breakfast to save time reaching at Kathmandu domestic airport terminal, where a short scenic flight of 35 minutes reaches you at Lukla. It is a gateway Sherpa town at the height of 2,820 m high facing views of Kongde peak and Naulekh Himal.
With refreshing stop at Lukla then follow our lead guide after adjusting baggage with porters to carry or on pack animals (Jopkyo a mix breed of normal cow and Yak).
As walk leads past Lukla town heading down to Choplung small village and then around Dudh-Kosi River valley and gorge towards our first overnight stop at Phadkingma village by the raging glacial Dudh-Kosi River.
Phakdingma also called as Phakding only for short, while we have used the proper and correct words in respect for the name sake.
Namche Bazzar
Day 04: Trek to Namche Bazaar 3,440 m – 06 hrs.
Starting with gradual walk in the morning from Phakdingma following the river upstream past several Sherpa nice villages with short ups and down. And then crossing a long suspension bridge to Monjo village, where Sagarmatha National Park starts entering into park areas past Jorsalle the last village before Namche Bazaar.
From Jorsalle crossing bridge and into serene woodland of tall pines and rhododendron trees with climb on winding trail facing views of Kongde, Kusum Khanguru and Tharmasakru peaks. As a result walk brings you into famous Namche Bazaar, which is more of a town rather than village with many good restaurants, hotels. Interestingly, lodge having number of shops and stores includes Bank and Post-Office in the way to EBC Trek.
Enjoy in the comfort of nice cozy lodge at Namche, with time to marvel the views of snow capped peaks.
Day 05: In Namche for rest to support acclimatization with short hike and excursion.
A free and rest day to support with acclimatization before heading higher ground at Namche, where short walks up to view point like towards Everest View Hotel which takes nearly 3-4 hours both ways and then offers excellent panorama of mountains with Mt.Everest and magnificent Amadablam.
In Namche, visit museum where you can gain knowledge of Khumbu Sherpa, culture, flora-fauna as well of mountaineering expedition history with rest of the afternoon at leisure.
Day 06: Trek to Thyangboche 3,867 m – 05 hrs.
With pleasant time at Namche, walk leads to short climb and then on good wide trail facing views of Everest and Amadablam with array of peaks. As our route leads into woodland then descend towards Imjatse River to reach at a small place in Phunke-Tenga, possible lunch stop in the middle of a wood.
Meanwhile, in afternoon climb into forested areas facing views of Kangtenga-Tharmasarku and other peaks. So, walk brings at a wide open plateau in Thyangboche with its beautiful colorful Buddhist monastery, with time to visit the interior of the monastery where you can witness monks and priest on religious activities with prayer.
A scenic spot surrounded by high peaks with views of Mount Everest and magnificent looking Amadablam amidst forest of rhododendron-magnolia-oaks-juniper-birch and fir tree lines. That’s why, it is truly a great place for overnight stop
Day 07: Trek to Dingboche 4,365 m – 05 hrs.
Morning catching the views of surrounding peaks, where walk leads downhill past Deoboche within woodland to reach Imjatse River. And then crossing over a steel bridge, from here end of green vegetation and tree lines. Then walk leads into windswept dry and arid country to reach Pangboche. The last permanent village on route to Everest base camp adventure, where other settlement with lodge catering, and the needs of travelers and trekkers.
Slowly walk leads past Pangboche heading higher with ups and down to a river. With last climb of the day for an hour to reach a scenic Imjatse valley at Dingboche facing North Side of Amadablam,with views of Island Peak towards east direction.
Day 08: Another rest day at Dingboche for acclimatization and local hike.
A rest day at this high terrain, where another rest day is important to relax as well for acclimatization at Dingboche. Where one can hike further up towards Nakarjung Hill to get best panorama of surrounding peaks and of Imjatse valley.
Afternoon rest and enjoy the views in the comfort of nice warm lodge with preparation for next day walks to Lobuche.
Day 09: Trek to Lobuche 4,890 m – 05 hrs.
After a nice overnight and rest day at Dingboche, morning walk leads to a short climb to a ridge marked with Buddhist prayer flags and some monuments with views of high close peaks and then on good gradual path to walk.
Our route leads on winding path above Pheriche valley with views of Cholatse and Taboche peaks as walk comes to a small place at Thugla, where massive Khumbu glacier melts into a raging river.
After crossing a short bridge and climb to Thugla for possible lunch stop and rest.Before heading higher up to Lobuche, having break and lunch, start with slow climb to a ridge top lines with memorial of unfortunate mountaineers who risk their life climbing high mountains around Khumbu and Everest.
From here a good walk with gradual up to reach at Lobuche located on the corner of a wide valley beneath peaks of Lobuche East and West.
Day 10: Trekking to Everest Base Camp 5,365 m and walk back to Gorakshep 5,180 m – 06 hrs
Finally, our adventure today leads to our main target(Everest Base Camp trekking) and goal at Mount Everest base camp, where morning walk follows a flat valley with slow climb to reach further and then a steep climb to reach a ridge near above Khumbu glacier.
Everest base Camp
As walk continues in Everest Base Camp Trekking over rocky moraines and ice to reach a scenic flat areas at Gorakshep located on the bottom of Kalapathar and Mt. Pumori on route to Everest base camp. At Gorakshep with short break catching breathe in this high altitude with dry air.
From Gorakshep, following our lead guide heading further east to reach at much awaited destination Everest Base Camp with marvelous views of Khumbu Ice-Falls. Glaciers looking above peaks of Nuptse, Everest and Lhotse, in high mountaineering season of April to May this grand spot flooded with tents of expeditions.
After exciting time having achieved our goal walk back to Gorakshep for overnight stop before heading downhill back to Lukla with climb of Kalapathar.
Day 11: Morning climb on top Kalapathar 5,545 m walk to Pangboche 3,900 m- 06 hrs.
Starting early morning before breakfast climb to the top of rocky hill at above 5,545 m the highest spot of the adventure, where you will be rewarded with overwhelming panorama of giant surrounding peaks with close views of Everest and Mt. Pumori.
After a mesmerizing moment on top Kalapathar descend to Gorakshep for breakfast and the carry on trekking down to Pheriche valley and then further to reach at Pangboche village for overnight stop with great scenic walk of the day.
Day 12: Trek to Namche Bazaar – 06 hrs.
On completing our memorable and exciting adventure on Everest base camp and on top Kalapathar, an easy walk from here on without worry of high altitude sickness as route leads loosing elevation every hour of walks.
From Pangboche reaching with a climb to beautiful Thyangboche and its colorful monastery reaching back into green woodland, from here a lovely walks of downs and ups and on nice scenic trail to Namche Bazaar for last night in Khumbu before Lukla.
Day 13: Trek to Lukla – 06 hrs.
To sum up, final day of walks on longer treks to reach back at Lukla starts with long descend to reach a river valley and at Sagarmatha National Park entrance.And exit to Monjo village, where walk continues past Phakdingma with last short climb to reach at last overnight stay in Lukla before flying back to Kathmandu.
Day 14: Fly back to Kathmandu and transfer to hotel with free afternoon at leisure.
Depending upon flight time for Kathmandu, morning with last breakfast in Khumbu and Lukla transfer to air terminal named after Tenzing and Hillary, the first to conquer Mt. Everest in 1953.
As per flight schedule board in a smaller aircraft for sweeping short air journey to reach Kathmandu airport and then transfer back to your respective hotels.
Day 15: Reserve and contingency day in Kathmandu with individual activities.
We have reserved an extra day in Kathmandu or for the whole program in case of flight problem related to bad unfavorable weather condition at Lukla or in the beginning, where this extra day allows you have time for yourself joining tour or just relax after a great adventure on high Khumbu and Everest base camp.
Day 16: Depart Kathmandu for international departure homeward bound.
In conclusion, all good things must come to an end with grand glorious memories of Trek to Everest Base Camp , with last final day in Nepal, a country of Himalayan wonders where our staff and guide transfer you to Kathmandu international airport for your flight home or to respective countries.
Service Included:
Airport pickup and drop by private vehicle.
Three nights standard twin sharing Hotel in Kathmandu with breakfast.
Three meals a day(Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner)during the trek.
Fresh fruit every evening after the dinner.
Trekking lodge (Tea House)accommodations throughout the trek.
All necessary paper works Sagarmatha National park Entry permit and Trekker’s Information Management System(TIMS) permit.
Kathamandu-Lukla-kathmandu-flight with private airport transfer and domestic airport tax.
A highly experience,helpful knowledgeable, friendly, Englsh speaking well trained, Government License holder guide with all his salary, food, drinks, accommodation, transport and insurance.
Comprehensive medical supplies(first aid kit will be available)
Arrangement of Emergency Helicopter service(paid by your Travel Insurance Company).
Use of sleeping bag,down Jacket, Duffel bag and walking Poles(if you don’t have your own,need to return after trip completed).
Eco Holidays Nepal T-shirt and cap.
Government taxes and official expenses.
Guided Kathmandu sightseeing tour with private vehicle.
Everest base camp trek map.
Oximeter to check your pulse and oxygen saturation and heart rate twice daily (Very useful to check Altitude Mountain Sickness(AMS) symptoms) Which will ensure you trek is in the safest hands possible for all levels of trekker.
Assistant guide group size above 6 + person.
Service Excluded:
Meals whilst you are in Kathmandu Lunch and Dinner.
Nepal entry visa fee (you may easily issue the visa on arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport – Kathmandu). $25 USD for 15 days Visa.
Your Travel and Medical Insurance.
International Airfare.
Porter if needed($200).
Your Personal Expenses.
All the alcoholic and non alcoholic cold and hot drinks on trek ( i.e. those you choose to purchase along the way and during evenings in the Tea Houses).
All desserts sweet things like chocolate, cake, pie, pudding.
Hot shower and battery charging on the tea houses.
Tips for the guide, porter and driver (Tipping is expected)
Kathmandu sightseeing monument entrance fees($30 USD per person).
Excess baggage more than 15kg for Lukla flight.
Note: Single supplementary require $150 per person.

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