
Upper Mustang Trekking Tiji Festival

Amazing Authentic Treks has been organizing a special trip to Lo-Manthang-Upper Mustang every year for Tiji festival. The trip will provide you a cultural/history and scenery experience of the forbidden kingdom- Mustang. It is a journey for a lifetime and we assist you from fixing journey date to entire arrangements at an affordable price.
An introduction of the Tiji festival
Tiji festival is a three-day ritual as well as “The chasing of the Demons” that centers on the Tiji myth. The myth tells of a deity named Dorje Jono who must battle against his demon father to save the Kingdom of Mustang from destruction. The demon father wreaked havoc on Mustang by bringing a shortage of water (a highly precious resource in this very dry land) and causing many resulting disasters from famine to animal loss. 
Dorje Jono eventually beats the demon and banishes him from the land. Tiji is a celebration and reaffirmation of this myth and throughout the festival the various scenes of the myth will be enacted. The festical normally helds at the ned of dry winter/spring season effectively a spring renewal festival.and will usher in the wetter monsoon season (the growing season for Mustang).
The Tiji festival is celebrated for three days long in Lo-Manthang
First day, Lamas horns resounded, announcing the two twelve-foot copper dunchens, with their elephantine blurting, followed by two double-reeled horns, all accompanied by drum and cymbals then an ancient and enormous thanka three stories high is unrolled down the entire south wall of the square. Late afternoon, in high wind and blowing dust, eleven lamas in maroon and gold, wearing high red hats, came from the palace and take their places along the wall beneath the thanka, with Tashi Tenzing on the elevated seat just in the center. The masked dancers starts the portrayal of the Tiji myth then Dorje Jono repels the demon through the power of his magical dancing. As the dances end, Dorje Jono kills the demon, after which his people are relieved of their plague of misfortunes, water becomes plentiful once more, and the balance and harmony of existence are restored.
On the second day, numbers of Loba arrive from the outlying hamlets, and the small square is thronged with wild beautiful people, with all of the women and children, at least, in traditional dress. The King of Mustang, “wears a whole crown of tiny river pearls set off by dozens of large red coralline tones interspersed with matched ornaments of turquoise. The costumes and masks, the twelve-foot horns, the gold cups of wheat, the butter cakes, the snow peaks and wind and dust and sun, the mehti, snow leopard, snow pigeons, saligrams, the dying glacier and the desert ruins, the drunks and rajas and foreigners, the dogs and yaks Tantra.
And on the last, the Tiji festival ends with the ceremonial destruction of the evil remains, represented by some long black yak hair and red torma cakes minced to a dark red furry. The demons red remnants are set out on an old tiger skin, where-upon they are attacked by bow and arrow, slings, and the old guns. The poor devils remains are over- turned upon the ground, each time to a wild cannonade from the old muzzle-loaders and a wave of cheers and smoke. This is how the Tiji festival is celebrated.
Trip Itinerary in Details
Day 01 : Welcome to Kathmandu 1300m. Arrive Kathmandu airport; welcome and transfer to hotel.
Day 02 : Kathmandu Sightseeing Sightseeing tour of the interesting surrounding sights of Kathmandu valley.
Day 03 : Kathmandu – Pokhara 975m. drive 6hrs.
Transferred to Pokhara by tourist bus for about 6 -hour drive. The rest of the day is yours to enjoy either doing last minute shopping for the trek or packing your kitty bag for the trek.
Day 04 : Pokhara – Jomsom 2720m. - Kagbeni 2900m. trek 3-4 hrs.
Fly to Jomsom and gentle walk to Kagnebi, the checkpoint of entry to Upper Mustang The Kaligandaki valley here is called the Thakkhola, after the native Thakalis, who are distantly related to the Tibetans.
Day 05 : From Kagbeni trek to Chele 3200m. 6hrs.
Day 06 : From Chele trek to Geling 3510m. 6hrs.
Day 07 : From Geling trek to Charang 3650m. 5-6hrs.
Day 08 : From Charang trek to Lo Manthang 3910m. 5hrs.
Day 09 : Tiji festival starts and witness of the day first of Tiji and sight visits around
Day 10 : Witness of the day second of Tiji and sight visits around
Day 11 : Witness of the day third of Tiji festival and sight visits around.
Day 12 : Return trek from Lo Manthang to Surkhan 3460m. 5-6hrs.
Day 13 : Trek from Surkhan - Tange 2640m. 6-7hrs.
Day 14 : Trek from Tange - Tetang 3160m. 5-6hrs.
Day 15 : Trek from Tetang- Muktinath 3750m. 6hrs.
Day 16 : Trek from Muktinath – Jomosom 2720m. 5hrs.
Day 17 : Fly back from Jomosom-Pokhara. Rest of the is free for own activities.
Day 18 : Drive Back to Kathmandu .
Day 19 : Rest day at leisure or final souvenir shopping. Join the farewell dinner in the evening with live cultural program hosted by Amazing Authentic Treks.
Day 20 : Departure transfer to airport for return flight to home.

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